
Banana Product Details
Product Banana
Size Length: 6-9 inches; Weight: 100-150 grams per banana; Bunch Weight: 10-50 kg per bunch
Shelf Life 7-14 days (depending on storage conditions). Ripen quickly at room temperature, lasts longer under controlled temperatures (12-14°C).
  • Packaging Materials: Corrugated cartons, ventilated plastic crates, or polystyrene boxes with ventilation holes
  • Packaging Size: 13-18 kg per box
  • Labelling: Country of Origin (India), Harvest Date, Brix Level (if applicable)
  • Handling: Care to prevent bruising, with packaging designed to minimize pressure points during transit
Nutritional Composition
Calories89 kcal
Carbohydrates22.8 g
Protein1.1 g
Fat0.3 g
Fiber2.6 g
Vitamin C8.7 mg
Potassium358 mg

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